Fifth Ride is dedicated to an Astral Projection to the Milky Way Galaxy Environment and Reality. Your mind will travel away to the Astral Space, and through the Astral Space you are going to be connected with the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy. You will project your mind directly to the Black Hole Center of the Galaxy and you will reconnect with the energy and intelligence of the Center of the Galaxy. You will receive its energy and intelligence for your personal grows and for the mankind. Also, you will have an exploration ride around the Milky Way Galaxy and visit into the Earth reality and your local Reality. You will improve the ability to work in Group soul travel. Also, during the ride, you will synchronize your mental state and mind forces with the others with you. You will be able to reach the deepest level of relaxation. You will reach the condition when your body is asleep and your mind is awake. You will leave all your problems behind and all your past behind when you will project yourself Into the Astral Space. After all, you will have a safe return back to your body and you will feel empowered.The rides have a positive cumulative effect to raise our consciousness. Three rides or more per week are recommended for the best results. We recommend you to begin with TimeSpace One Ride, then proceed with every Ride up to TimeSpace Seven.